About Us

Why can't clothing be fun again?

Shopping for clothes these days is like asking for "Lentil Soup' at a fancy restaurant just out of peer pressure.

Be honest. Your Mom's peeli dal is about a 100 times tastier than that.

Life was simpler growing up!

It wasn't about how visible the label on your T-shirt was. Or what 'brand' affiliation it had, to give it some 'street cred'. Or which season's collection it belonged to.

We just grabbed the funkiest looking T-shirt with the snazziest slogan on it.

It was all about being happy!

Ohh No! This isn't a sad nostalgic excerpt

We were just setting up the stage for our Hero to make his entrance

Ladies and Gentlemen, put your hands together for...

Mr. Radical Banana

Honestly need your help in telling him that this is not a very aPEELing photo 🤦🏻

Conceptualised and created in 2021 by a handful of friends (who had quite frankly lost their minds) out of a fun-sized office in Mumbai.

Radical (🔈ra.duh.kl) : meaning

Adjective: (especially of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something.

Just after watching a Superhero movie and being Super-inspired by it, we asked ourselves... Why can't we bring a revolution in the clothing industry!!

Yep... We did tell you we had lost our minds.

We wanted to bring back the innocent happiness and content of shopping and merge it with 'Sustainability'

Sounds a bit ironic while we are on the topic of Fashion right?

Let our designer explain

We strive to make designs that are memorable and long lasting.

Trend hopping and meme chasing designs could easily catch the attention of the masses.

But we aren't here to play that game.

"Long lasting relevance" is what we wish to excel at.

Our SIGNATURE designs are bold, quirky and expressive.

Noticeable enough to stand out, but not make you feel out of place.

We don't stop at just that.

We strive hard to make Radical Banana a sustainable fashion brand.

- Our products are printed on order and in small batches

- No bulk stocking

- Limited batches produced during Sales and Offers

- Use of premium, long lasting fabrics and water based, toxin free sustainable inks

We may not be 100% there yet. But we are slowly marching our way towards our goal.

As of December 2022, our entire packaging is made of Tapioca starch based, non-plastic, Bio-degradable, compostable, non-toxic and recyclable products.


You may have to drop by our office someday to figure that out. If ever there was a competition to personify the term "Going Bananas", our team would outrun themselves!


If we were to convey our vision in a simple statement,



Join us in our journey, we assure you it's going to be a fun ride...

But if you are still not convinced to support our "Small Business with a Big Heart",

drop us a message on contact@radicalbanana.com

or Whatsapp us on +91 98920 99481

We may know someone, who knows someone, who could probably help you make up your mind. ;)